'''Useful classes and functions for asynchronous programming.'''
import asyncio
import functools
from typing import Generic, ParamSpec, TypeAlias, TypeVar, Callable, Generator, AsyncGenerator, Any
from contextlib import AbstractAsyncContextManager
T = TypeVar('T')
U = TypeVar('U')
T_Params = ParamSpec("T_Params")
U_Params = ParamSpec("U_Params")
unmanaged_tasks: set[Any] = set()
[docs]def unmanage_async_context(context: AbstractAsyncContextManager[T]) -> tuple[asyncio.Task[T], asyncio.Event]:
Extract an async context manager's value without manually managing its lifetime.
The context manager is entered until `set()` is called on the returned event.
thats it *unmanages your async context manager*
close_context = asyncio.Event()
fut_T_ready = asyncio.Event()
fut_T = None
async def background():
async with context as inner:
nonlocal fut_T
fut_T = inner
# print(f'Released event for {context}')
await close_context.wait()
task = asyncio.create_task(background())
async def aenter_wait():
await fut_T_ready.wait()
assert fut_T is not None
return fut_T
return (
close_context )
[docs]class AsyncLazy(Generic[T]):
Async iterator which does not accumulate any results unless awaited.
Awaiting instances will return a list of the results.
gen: AsyncGenerator[T, None]
def __init__(self, gen: AsyncGenerator[T, None]):
self.gen = gen
def __aiter__(self) -> AsyncGenerator[T, None]:
return self.gen
async def _items(self) -> list[T]:
return [t async for t in self.gen]
[docs] def __await__(self) -> Generator[Any, None, list[T]]:
'''Yield the aggregate results of the generator as a list.'''
return self._items().__await__()
[docs] def map(self, f: Callable[[T], U]) -> 'AsyncLazy[U]':
'''Apply a function to each item that is yielded.'''
return AsyncLazy(f(x) async for x in self)
[docs] @classmethod
def wrap(cls, fn: Callable[T_Params, AsyncGenerator[T, None]]):
'''Convert an async generator async function to return an AsyncLazy instance.'''
def wrapped(*args: T_Params.args, **kwargs: T_Params.kwargs) -> AsyncLazy[T]:
return AsyncLazy(fn(*args, **kwargs))
return wrapped
AsyncTrans: TypeAlias = AsyncLazy