Base classes for loaders, unloaders, and converters.



Deserializes one type or group of types asynchronously


Both serializes and deserializes one type or group of types T to and from Domain


Deserializes one type or group of types

LoadingContext(converter, only_sync)

State for deserialization and recursion


Serializes one type or group of types


State for serialization and recursion

class Loader[Domain, T], only_sync: bool)#

Bases: Generic[Domain, T]

State for deserialization and recursion

type_vars: dict[str, type]#
parent_type: type | None#
only_sync: bool#
parent_deserializer: Loader[Domain, T]#
des(value: Domain, cls: type[T]) T#
class Unloader[Domain, T])#

Bases: Generic[Domain, T]

State for serialization and recursion

parent_serializer: Unloader[Domain, T]#
ser(value: T) Domain#

Bases: ABC, Generic[Domain, T]

Serializes one type or group of types

abstractmethod can_unload(cls: type) bool#

Whether this converter should be used to serialize the given type

abstractmethod ser(ctx: UnloadingContext[Domain, Any], value: T) Domain#

Convert a value to a domain-compatible type.

Called only if can_unload returned True for type(value).


Bases: ABC, Generic[Domain, T]

Deserializes one type or group of types

abstractmethod can_load(cls: type) bool#

Whether this converter should be used to deserialize the given type

abstractmethod des(ctx: LoadingContext[Domain, Any], value: Domain, cls: type[T]) T#

Convert a domain value to the specified type.

Called only if can_load returned True for cls.


Bases: Unloader[Domain, T], Loader[Domain, T]

Both serializes and deserializes one type or group of types T to and from Domain

abstractmethod can_load(cls: type) bool#

Whether this converter should be used to deserialize the given type

abstractmethod can_unload(cls: type) bool#

Whether this converter should be used to serialize the given type

abstractmethod des(ctx: LoadingContext[Domain, Any], value: Domain, cls: type[T]) T#

Convert a domain value to the specified type.

Called only if can_load returned True for cls.

abstractmethod ser(ctx: UnloadingContext[Domain, Any], value: T) Domain#

Convert a value to a domain-compatible type.

Called only if can_unload returned True for type(value).


Bases: Loader[Domain, T]

Deserializes one type or group of types asynchronously

abstractmethod can_load(cls: type) bool#

Whether this converter should be used to deserialize the given type

abstractmethod await des(ctx: LoadingContext[Domain, Any], value: Domain, cls: type) T#

Convert a domain value to the specified type.

Called only if can_load returned True for cls.