Source code for SlyTwitter.twitter
Twitter API v1.1
import re
from datetime import datetime
from typing import Any
from SlyAPI import *
from .twitter_upload import Media, TwitterUpload
RE_TWEET_LINK = re.compile(r'https://twitter\.com/(?P<user>[a-z0-9_]+)/status/(?P<tweet_id>\d+)', re.IGNORECASE)
RE_USER_LINK = re.compile(r'https://twitter\.com/(?P<user>[a-z0-9_]+)', re.IGNORECASE)
[docs]class User:
'''Twitter user, can be hydrated from a variety of sources'''
# TODO: consider garunteeing that these three are always hydrated
id: int
at: str
display_name: str
# hydratable fields
description: str|None = None
location: str|None = None
website: str|None = None
is_verified: bool|None = None
is_private: bool|None = None
created_at: datetime|None = None
profile_image: str|None = None
def __init__(self, source: dict[str, Any]):
match source:
case int(): = source
case str() if m := RE_USER_LINK.match(source): = m[1]
case str(): # from screen name
if source.startswith('@'): = source[1:]
else: = source
case { # from user response
'id': int(id),
'screen_name': str(at),
'name': str(display_name),
'location': str(location),
'url': str(website),
}: = id = at
self.display_name = display_name
self.location = location = website
if extended:
self.description = extended['description']
self.is_verified = extended['verified']
self.is_private = extended['protected']
self.created_at = datetime.strptime(
extended['created_at'], '%a %b %d %H:%M:%S %z %Y')
self.profile_image = extended['profile_image_url_https']
case { # from following response
'followed_by': _,
'id': int(id),
'screen_name': str(at),
}: = id = at
case _:
raise TypeError(F'Invalid source type for tweet: {type(source)}')
def __str__(self):
return F'@{}'
[docs]class Following:
'''Following relationship between two users, four possible states'''
a: User
b: User
mutual: bool
a_follows_b: bool
b_follows_a: bool
def __init__(self, source: dict[str, Any]):
self.a_follows_b = source['relationship']['source']['following']
self.b_follows_a = source['relationship']['target']['following'] = self.a_follows_b and self.b_follows_a
self.a = User(source['relationship']['source'])
self.b = User(source['relationship']['target'])
def __str__(self) -> str:
rel_str = 'mutually follows'
elif self.a_follows_b:
rel_str = 'follows'
elif self.b_follows_a:
rel_str = 'is followed by'
rel_str = 'is not following or being followed by'
return F"{self.a} {rel_str} {self.b}"
[docs]class Tweet:
id: int
author_at: str # twitter user @
body: str
def __init__(self, source: int | str | dict[str, Any]):
match source:
case int(): = source
case str():
if not (m := RE_TWEET_LINK.match(source)):
raise ValueError('Cannot create Tweet without ID, link to tweet, or dict representation')
self.author_at = m['user'] = int(m['tweet_id'])
case { 'id': id_, 'extended_tweet': { 'full_text': text }, 'user': { 'screen_name': user } }: = id_
self.body = text
self.author_at = user
case { 'id': id_, 'text': text, 'user': { 'screen_name': user } }: = id_
self.body = text
self.author_at = user
case _:
raise TypeError(F"{source} is not a valid source for Tweet")
[docs]def get_tweet_id(tweet: Tweet | int | str) -> int:
match tweet:
case Tweet():
case int():
return tweet
case str() if m := RE_TWEET_LINK.match(tweet):
return int(m['tweet_id'])
case _:
raise TypeError(F"{tweet} is not a valid tweet, ID, or URL")
[docs]class Twitter(WebAPI):
'''Twitter V1.1 API Client'''
base_url = ''
_upload_api: TwitterUpload
def __init__(self, auth: OAuth1):
self._upload_api = TwitterUpload(auth)
[docs] async def tweet(self, body: str, media: list[Media] | str | tuple[bytes, str] | None = None):
""" Post a tweet.
Media can be:
- a file path
- a URL
- some media already uploaded
- a bytes-like obj a tupled with a file extension
data = { 'status': body }
if media is not None and not isinstance(media, list):
media = [await self._upload_api.upload(media)]
if media:
data |= { 'media_ids': ','.join(str( for m in media) }
return Tweet(await self.post_form( '/statuses/update',
data = data
[docs] async def check_follow(self, a: User | str, b: User | str):
""" Get the relationship between two users. """
if isinstance(a, User): a =
if isinstance(b, User): b =
return Following(await self.get_json( '/friendships/show', {
'source_screen_name': a,
'target_screen_name': b
[docs] async def delete(self, tweet: Tweet | int | str):
'Delete a tweet.'
tweet_id = get_tweet_id(tweet)
await self.post_json(F'/statuses/destroy/{tweet_id}')
[docs] async def retweet(self, tweet: Tweet | int | str):
'Retweet a tweet.'
tweet_id = get_tweet_id(tweet)
await self.post_json(F'/statuses/retweet/{tweet_id}')
[docs] async def quote_tweet(self, body: str, quoting: Tweet | str, media: list[Media] | str | tuple[bytes, str] | None = None) -> Tweet:
'Post a tweet quoting another tweet.'
if isinstance(quoting, Tweet):
quoting =
if not RE_TWEET_LINK.match(quoting):
raise ValueError(F"Not recognized as a valid tweet link for QRT: {quoting}")
body += ' {quoting}'
return await self.tweet(body, media)
[docs] async def upload_media(self, file_: str | tuple[bytes, str]) -> Media:
""" Upload a new media file to twitter for attaching to tweets.
File can be:
- a file path
- a URL
- a bytes-like obj a tupled with a file extension
return await self._upload_api.upload(file_)
[docs] async def add_alt_text(self, media: Media, text: str):
""" Add alt text to a media file. """
await self._upload_api.add_alt_text(media, text)