Source code for SlyTwitter.twitter_v2

Twitter API v2
from enum import Enum
from typing import Any
from SlyAPI import *

[docs]class Scope: USERS_READ = '' TWEETS_READ = '' FOLLOWS_READ = ''
[docs]class TweetField(Enum): ATTACHMENTS = 'attachments' AUTHOR_ID = 'author_id' CONTEXT_ANNOTATIONS = 'context_annotations' CONVERSATION_ID = 'conversation_id' CREATED_AT = 'created_at' ENTITIES = 'entities' GEO = 'geo' ID = 'id' IN_REPLY_TO_USER_ID = 'in_reply_to_user_id' LANG = 'lang' NON_PUBLIC_METRICS = 'non_public_metrics' ORGANIC_METRICS = 'organic_metrics' PROMOTED_METRICS = 'promoted_metrics' PUBLIC_METRICS = 'public_metrics' PULICATIONS = 'publications' REFERENCED_TWEETS = 'referenced_tweets' REPLY_SETTINGS = 'reply_settings' SOURCE = 'source' TEXT = 'text' WITHHELD = 'withheld'
[docs]class UserField(Enum): CREATED_AT = 'created_at' DESCRIPTION = 'description' ENTITIES = 'entities' ID = 'id' LOCATION = 'location' NAME = 'name' PINNED_TWEET_ID = 'pinned_tweet_id' PROFILE_IMAGE_URL = 'profile_image_url' PROTECTED = 'protected' PUBLIC_METRICS = 'public_metrics' URL = 'url' USERNAME = 'username' VERIFIED = 'verified' WITHHELD = 'withheld'
[docs]class User: id: int # NOTE: represented as a string in the API at: str display_name: str def __init__(self, source: Any): match source: # v2 with default fields case { 'id': str(id_), 'username': str(at), 'name': str(display_name) }: = int(id_) = at self.display_name = display_name case _: raise ValueError(F'Unknown source for User: {source}') def __str__(self): return F'@{}'
[docs]class TwitterV2(WebAPI): base_url = '' def __init__(self, auth: OAuth2): super().__init__(auth)
[docs] @requires_scopes('') async def me(self) -> User: '''The currently authenticated user.''' return User((await self.get_json('users/me'))['data'])
[docs] @requires_scopes('') async def user(self, at: str|None=None) -> User: '''Get a user by their @username.''' if at is None: return await return User((await self.get_json(F'users/by/username/{at}'))['data'])
[docs] @requires_scopes('', '', '') async def all_followers_of(self, user: User) -> AsyncTrans[User]: """ Get the list of users following a user.""" return self.paginated(F'users/{}/followers', {}, None).map(User)
[docs] @requires_scopes('', '', '') async def all_followed_by(self, user: User) -> AsyncTrans[User]: """ Get the list of followed users by a user.""" return self.paginated(F'users/{}/following', {}, None).map(User)