from dataclasses import dataclass, asdict
from datetime import date, timedelta
import json, csv
from enum import Enum
from typing import Any, TypeVar, Literal, TypedDict
from SlyAPI import *
[docs]def makeFilters(filters: dict[str, Any]) -> str:
out: list[str] = []
for key, value in filters.items():
return ';'.join(out)
_T = TypeVar('_T')
class _AddOperator_Set(set[_T]):
'''set with + operator. Workaround for backwards compatibility with
EnumParams (type removed from SlyAPI)'''
def __add__(self, other: _T|set[_T]) -> '_AddOperator_Set[_T]':
if isinstance(other, set):
return _AddOperator_Set((*self, *other))
return _AddOperator_Set((*self, other))
[docs]class Dimensions(Enum):
Day = 'day'
Month = 'month'
#Week = '7DayTotals' # deprecated, valid until April 15, 2020
Country = 'country'
Video = 'video'
# ...
def __add__(self: 'Dimensions', other: 'Dimensions|set[Dimensions]') -> _AddOperator_Set['Dimensions']:
return _AddOperator_Set((self,)) + other
[docs]class Metrics(Enum):
#Revenue = 'estimated_partner_revenue'
Views = 'views'
#TrafficSource = 'traffic_source_detail'
Likes = 'likes'
Dislikes = 'dislikes'
WatchTime = 'estimatedMinutesWatched'
#EstimatedCPM = 'estimated_cpm'
SubsGained = 'subscribersGained'
SubsLost = 'subscribersLost'
# ...
def __add__(self: 'Metrics', other: 'Metrics|set[Metrics]') -> _AddOperator_Set['Metrics']:
return _AddOperator_Set((self,)) + other
[docs]class ColumnHeader(TypedDict):
name: str
columnType: Literal['DIMENSION'] | Literal['METRIC']
dataType: str
class QueryResult:
Table of data returned by YouTube Analytics API.
kind: str
columnHeaders: list[ColumnHeader]
rows: list[list[int|str|float|bool|None]]
[docs] def saveJSON(self, path: str):
with open(path, mode='w', encoding='utf8') as f:
json.dump(asdict(self), f)
[docs] def saveCSV(self, path: str):
with open(path, mode='w', newline='', encoding='utf8') as f:
# UTF-8 BOM for Excel
writer = csv.writer(f)
headers = [header['name'] for header in self.columnHeaders]
[docs]class Scope:
Analytics = ''
Monetary = ''
YouTube = ''
YouTubePartner = ''
YouTubeReadOnly = ''
[docs]class YouTubeAnalytics(WebAPI):
base_url = ''
DEFAULT_SCOPES = Scope.Analytics + ' ' + Scope.Monetary + ' ' + Scope.YouTubeReadOnly
channel_id: str
def __init__(self, channel_id: str, auth_or_app: OAuth2|str, user: str|None=None, _scopes: Any|None=None):
if user is not None:
user_ = OAuth2User.from_json_file(user)
user_ = None
if isinstance(auth_or_app, str):
app = OAuth2App.from_json_file(auth_or_app)
if user_ is None:
raise ValueError('user must be specified when auth_or_app is a file path')
auth = OAuth2(app, user_)
auth = auth_or_app
self.channel_id = channel_id
# Backwards compatibility with SlyAPI < 0.4.0
# Do nothing when awaited
[docs] def __await__(self):
async def delay(): return self
return delay().__await__()
[docs] async def video(self, video_id: str, since: date, metrics: Metrics|set[Metrics],
dims: Dimensions|set[Dimensions], end_date: date|None=None) -> QueryResult:
return await self.query(since, metrics, dims, end_date, {'video': video_id})
[docs] async def query(self, since: date, metrics: Metrics|set[Metrics],
dims: Dimensions|set[Dimensions], end_date: date|None=None, filters:dict[str, Any]|None=None) -> QueryResult:
if end_date is None:
end_date =
if dims == Dimensions.Month: # month requires end date as first day of next month
end_date = end_date - timedelta(
# normalize to sets
if isinstance(metrics, Metrics): metrics = {metrics}
if isinstance(dims, Dimensions): dims = {dims}
result = await self._reports_query(since, end_date , metrics, dims, filters)
return QueryResult(**result)
async def _reports_query(self, start_date: date, end_date: date, metrics: set[Metrics], dims: set[Dimensions], filters: dict[str, Any]|None=None) -> dict[str, Any]:
params = {
'startDate': start_date.isoformat(),
'endDate': end_date.isoformat(),
'ids': F"channel=={self.channel_id}",
'metrics': ','.join(metric.value for metric in metrics)
if filters:
params['filters'] = makeFilters(filters)
if dims:
params['dimensions'] = ','.join(dim.value for dim in dims)
return await self.get_json(F"/reports", params)