Source code for SlyYTDAPI.ytdapi

import re
from enum import Enum
from datetime import datetime
from typing import TypeVar, Any
from warnings import warn
from SlyAPI import *


[docs]class Scope: READONLY = F"{SCOPES_ROOT}.readonly" MEMBERS = F"{SCOPES_ROOT}.channel-memberships.creator"
[docs]class Part(Enum): ID = 'id' # quota cost: 0 DETAILS = 'contentDetails' # quota cost: 2 SNIPPET = 'snippet' # quota cost: 2 STATUS = 'status' # quota cost: 2 STATISTICS = 'statistics' # quota cost: 2 REPLIES = 'replies' # quota cost: 2
# ...
[docs]class PrivacyStatus(Enum): PRIVATE = 'private' UNLISTED = 'unlisted' PUBLIC = 'public'
[docs]class SafeSearch(Enum): SAFE = 'strict' MODERATE = 'moderate' UNSAFE = 'none'
[docs]class Order(Enum): DATE = 'date' LIKES = 'rating' RELEVANCE = 'relevance' ALPHABETICAL = 'title' VIEWS = 'viewCount'
[docs]class CommentOrder(Enum): RELEVANCE = 'relevance' TIME = 'time'
ISO8601_PERIOD = re.compile(r'P(\d+)?T(?:(\d{1,2})H)?(?:(\d{1,2})M)?(\d{1,2})S')
[docs]def yt_date(date: str) -> datetime: try: return datetime.strptime(date, '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%fZ') except ValueError: return datetime.strptime(date, '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ')
W = TypeVar('W') T = TypeVar('T')
[docs]def get_dict_path(d: dict[str, Any], *keys: str) -> Any: for key in keys: if key not in d: return None d = d[key] return d
[docs]class Comment: id: str # part: snippet author_display_name: str author_channel_id: str body: str created_at: datetime # part: replies replies: list['Comment']|None @property def author_name(self): warn("author_name is deprecated, please use author_display_name") return self.author_display_name def __init__(self, source: dict[str, Any]): # case of top-level comment if tlc := source.get('snippet', {}).get('topLevelComment'): replies: list[Any] = source.get('replies', {}).get('comments', []) self.replies = [Comment(r) for r in replies] source = tlc = source['id'] if snippet := source.get('snippet'): self.author_display_name = snippet['authorDisplayName'] self.author_channel_id = snippet['authorChannelId']['value'] self.body = snippet['textDisplay'] self.created_at = yt_date(snippet['publishedAt'])
[docs]class Video: _youtube: 'YouTubeData' id: str # part: snippet title: str description: str published_at: datetime channel_id: str channel_name: str tags: list[str] is_livestream: bool # part: contentDetails duration: int # part: status privacy: PrivacyStatus # part: statistics view_count: int like_count: int # dislike_count: int ## rest in peace comment_count: int def __init__(self, source: dict[str, Any], yt: 'YouTubeData'): self._youtube = yt match source['id']: case str(): = source['id'] case dict(): # case for video search result object = source['id']['videoId'] case _: raise ValueError("Video expects source id to be a string or dict") if snippet := source.get('snippet'): self.title = snippet['title'] self.description = snippet['description'] self.published_at = yt_date(snippet['publishedAt']) self.channel_id = snippet['channelId'] self.channel_name = snippet['channelTitle'] self.tags = snippet.get('tags', []) self.is_livestream = snippet.get('liveBroadcastContent') == 'live' if contentDetails := source.get('contentDetails'): m = ISO8601_PERIOD.match(contentDetails['duration']) if m: days, hours, minutes, seconds = (int(g) if g else 0 for g in m.groups()) self.duration = days * 24 * 60 * 60 + hours * 60 * 60 + minutes * 60 + seconds else: raise ValueError(F"Unknown duration format: {contentDetails['duration']}") if status := source.get('status'): self.privacy = status['privacyStatus']
[docs] def comments(self, limit: int | None = 100) -> AsyncTrans[Comment]: return self._youtube.comments(, limit=limit)
[docs] async def channel(self) -> 'Channel': return await
[docs]class Playlist: _youtube: 'YouTubeData' id: str def __init__(self, id: str, yt: 'YouTubeData'): self._youtube = yt = id
[docs]class Channel: _youtube: 'YouTubeData' id: str # part: snippet display_name: str description: str created_at: datetime at_username: str profile_image_url: str|None = None # part: contentDetails uploads_playlist: Playlist # part: statistics view_count: int subscriber_count: int video_count: int @property def custom_url(self): warn("custom_url is deprecated, please use at_username") return self.at_username @property def name(self): warn("name is deprecated, please use display_name") return self.display_name def __init__(self, source: dict[str, Any], yt: 'YouTubeData'): self._youtube = yt = source['id'] if snippet := source.get('snippet'): self.display_name = snippet['title'] self.description = snippet['description'] self.created_at = yt_date(snippet['publishedAt']) self.profile_image_url = snippet.get('thumbnails', {}).get('default', {}).get('url') self.at_username = snippet.get('customUrl') if details := source.get('contentDetails'): self.uploads_playlist = Playlist(details['relatedPlaylists']['uploads'], yt) if stats := source.get('statistics'): self.view_count = int(stats['viewCount']) self.subscriber_count = int(stats['subscriberCount']) self.video_count = int(stats['videoCount'])
[docs] async def update(self): new = await self.__dict__.update(new.__dict__)
[docs] def videos(self, limit: int|None=None, mine: bool|None=None) -> AsyncTrans[Video]: return self._youtube.search_videos(, limit=limit, mine=mine)
[docs]class YouTubeData(WebAPI): base_url = '' def __init__(self, app_or_api_key: str|OAuth2|UrlApiKey) -> None: match app_or_api_key: case str(): auth = UrlApiKey('key', app_or_api_key) case _: auth = app_or_api_key super().__init__(auth)
[docs] async def my_channel(self, parts: Part=Part.SNIPPET) -> Channel: return (await self._channels_list(mine=True, parts=parts, limit=1))[0]
[docs] async def channels(self, channel_ids: list[str], parts: Part) -> list[Channel]: return await self._channels_list(channel_ids=channel_ids, parts=parts)
[docs] async def channel(self, channel_id: str, parts: Part=Part.SNIPPET) -> Channel: return (await self._channels_list(channel_ids=[channel_id], parts=parts))[0]
def _channels_list(self, channel_ids: list[str]|None=None, mine: bool=False, parts: Part|set[Part]=Part.SNIPPET, limit: int|None=None) -> AsyncTrans[Channel]: if mine==bool(channel_ids): raise ValueError("Must specify exactly one of channel id or mine in channel list query") maxResults = min(50, limit) if limit else None # per-page limit params = { 'part': parts, 'maxResults': maxResults } if channel_ids: channel_ids = list(set(channel_ids or [])) # deduplicate IDs channels_chunks50 = [ channel_ids[i: i + 50] for i in range(0, len(channel_ids), 50) ] async def page_chunks(): for ids in channels_chunks50: p = params | { 'id': ','.join(ids) } async for c in self.paginated('/channels', p, limit): yield c return AsyncLazy(page_chunks()).map(lambda r: Channel(r, self)) else: # mine return self.paginated( '/channels', params | { 'mine': True }, limit ).map(lambda r: Channel(r, self))
[docs] def videos(self, video_ids: list[str], parts: Part|set[Part]={Part.ID,Part.SNIPPET}) -> AsyncTrans[Video]: params = { 'part': parts, 'id': ','.join(video_ids), } return self.paginated( '/videos', params, None ).map(lambda r: Video(r, self))
[docs] async def video(self, id: str, parts: Part|set[Part]={Part.ID,Part.SNIPPET}) -> Video: return (await self.videos([id], parts))[0]
[docs] def get_playlist_videos(self, playlist_id: str, parts: Part|set[Part]=Part.SNIPPET, limit: int|None=None) -> AsyncTrans[Video]: params = { 'part': parts, 'playlistId': playlist_id, 'maxResults': min(50, limit) if limit else None, } return self.paginated( '/playlistItems', params, limit ).map(lambda r: Video(r, self))
[docs] def search_videos(self, query: str|None=None, channel_id: str|None=None, after: datetime|None=None, before: datetime|None=None, mine: bool|None=None, order: Order=Order.RELEVANCE, safeSearch: SafeSearch=SafeSearch.MODERATE, parts: Part|set[Part]=Part.SNIPPET, limit: int|None=50) -> AsyncTrans[Video]: params = { 'part': parts, 'safeSearch': safeSearch, 'order': order, 'type': 'video', 'q': query, 'channelId': channel_id, 'forMine': mine, 'publishedAfter': after.isoformat("T") + "Z" if after else None, 'publishedBefore': before.isoformat("T") + "Z" if before else None, 'maxResults': min(50, limit) if limit else None, } return self.paginated( '/search', params, limit ).map(lambda r: Video(r, self))
[docs] def comments(self, video_id: str, query: str|None=None, parts: Part|set[Part]={Part.SNIPPET,Part.REPLIES}, order: CommentOrder=CommentOrder.TIME, limit: int|None=None) -> AsyncTrans[Comment]: params = { 'part': parts, 'commentOrder': order, 'searchTerms': query, 'videoId': video_id, 'maxResults': min(100, limit) if limit else None, } return self.paginated( '/commentThreads', params, limit ) .map(Comment)