


Key Types

HTTP Messages

cref:T:System.Net.Http.HttpRequestMessage and cref:T:System.Net.Http.HttpResponseMessage The .NET built-in types for HTTP requests and responses. There are no special wrappers. Sent to and recieved from cref:T:System.Net.Http.HttpClient.

Auth Interface


Interface for any authentication scheme. Adds whatever is required to a request for it to be authenticated. This library comes with four implementations of it:

Since OAuth2 has more steps to use, it is explained in its own section: OAuth2.

Base WebAPI Class


Abstract class. Implementers should provide each endpoint as a method.


Type alias for Task<Result<'T, Tuple<HttpStatusCode, HttpResponseMessage>>>. Represents a dispatched, async request to the API that will be deserialized to a type 'T.

Task is the ordinary one from System.Threading.Tasks.

Result is the ordinary one from FSharp.Core.

Key Methods

Serialized Requests

cref:M:net.dunkyl.SlyAPI.WebAPI.Get``2, Post, Put, etc

One for each HTTP method, these do automatic JSON serialization and deserializtion. Making 'In be the Unit type will skip serializtion and send the request without data. 'Out is the type that the response will be deserialized to. Making it Unit will skip deserialization and expect an empty response. To pass query parameters, add them to the path paramter with the urlQuery function which will encode them.

HTTP Message Requests


If a particular endpoint needs special values in headers or some other specific consideration, this method can be used to send a request with a custom HttpRequestMessage and get a Call<HttpResponseMessage> back. It only applies status code checking and authorization.

Unwrap Extension

FSharp.Core.Result<'T, ...>.Unwrap()

For better compatibility with C# when using exceptions, an extension method is provided to raise API errors as cref:T:net.dunkyl.SlyAPI.Extensions.APIException.